
Advance interests with a valid will

It’s not only Boomers who should have a current will. Everyone who is over 18 needs one, according to the Public Trustee of Queensland.

National Wills Week runs from 11-17 September, and this year’s theme is Advance Yourself. The Public Trustee is urging adult Queenslanders to advance their interests not just in their advanced years!

One in five Queenslanders are reported to die without a valid will, with a high portion of 18 to 25-year-olds falling within this category.

Queensland Law Society President Chloé Kopilović said QLS was proud to partner with the Public Trustee of Queensland for the inaugural National Wills Week.

“Everyone over the age of 18 should have a will. In my experience, fear is the greatest barrier – particularly for younger people,” Ms Kopilović said.

“For some, it’s a topic they don’t wish to turn their mind to – it can be daunting having to make decisions about matters that will occur after you are gone.

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“However, sitting down with a solicitor to draft your estate planning documents, including your will and enduring power of attorney, will help to ensure your wishes are both protected and carried out by loved ones.

“The QLS Find A Solicitor search can help you locate a legal practitioner with expertise in wills and estates to guide you through your estate planning.

“I encourage everyone to make use of the QLS free service to ensure you are seeking advice from a qualified practitioner.”

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