Notice is hereby given of the election to be held for six ordinary members of the Future Leaders Committee of the Queensland Law Society Incorporated (blue rotation).
The terms for these positions will commence 1 July 2024 and will conclude 30 June 2026.
Candidates for election shall be nominated in accordance with the Future Leaders Committee Charter (the Charter) and must confirm on the online Nomination Form that they are either 35 years and under or have five years or less post admission experience as of 30 June 2026.
The online Nomination Form is available here and must be received by the Returning Officer via online web form submission or alternatively via email no later than 4pm AEST Tuesday, 13 February 2024.
By-law 6 of the Charter requires a nomination of a candidate for election to be in the form advised by the returning officer, signed by hand or electronically/digitally by the candidate and seconded by three practitioners.
All three practitioners must be full members of the Society and on the Roll of Future Leader Electors, being either 35 years and under, or has five years or less post admission experience as of 5 February 2024.
Candidates are requested to provide with their online Nomination Form a brief statement/bio to support their candidacy (no more than 150 words), which is available on the nomination form, together with a photo headshot.
If more than the required numbers of candidates are nominated, members will be informed of the need to vote. In that circumstance the ballot will open Wednesday 21 February 2024 and will close 4pm AEST Thursday 29 February 2024. Votes will be tallied and thereafter the result of the election will be declared.
Dated this 5th day of February 2024.
Louise Pennisi
Returning Officer
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