
AI survey under way

Queensland Law Society (QLS) has launched its Business of Law, Technology and AI Survey, and Innovation Committee Chair Terri Mottershead is urging practitioners to have their say on important issue.

Terri is also Chair of the QLS Generative AI in Legal Practice Joint Working Group which first met in February. At that meeting, the group committed to obtaining member feedback in order to provide advice for the profession.

“The impact of generative AI in legal reaches way beyond the tech. It’s changing how we manage our legal businesses and every aspect of legal work,” Terri said.

“All of us need to understand it and prioritise next steps.

“This survey will provide a benchmark for QLS so it can develop the right resources and focus support where Queensland practitioners most need it.” 

The survey will focus on the issues impacting businesses, how technologies such as AI are being used and where members want to learn more. It closes on 20 April.


The results will assist QLS to develop practical guidance, resources and information to support practitioners and firms across Queensland.

Take the survey now

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