Women Lawyers Association of Queensland (WLAQ) will turn its attention to parental leave at a free CPD event in Brisbane next month.
Navigating Parenthood in the Legal Profession will have a panel of employment experts discuss issues such as how legislative changes have impacted parental leave entitlements; recent industry trends and case studies; and practical guidance.
WLAQ will also launch its inaugural parental leave resources to help the profession and its members.
Panellists at the 2 May event will be:
- Shelley Williams, Partner Kingston Reid, and WLAQ Management Committee Member;
- Eloise Dalton, Director, Working Women Queensland;
- Matt Wichlinski, Senior Associate, Kingston Reid;
- Emily Morris, Senior HR Consultant, Azuhr.
It will be held at Law Society House, 179 Ann St, at 5.15pm for a 5.30pm start, followed by networking drinks from 6.30pm. Register here.
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