
PLS fundraiser will focus on human rights

Prisoners’ Legal Service (PLS) will host an impressive line-up of speakers at its CPD fundraiser in Brisbane next week.

Justice Paul Freeburn will deliver the opening statement at the six-session Human Rights and the Criminal Justice System event at Allens Linklaters next Friday.

Speakers to follow at the full-day forum will be:

  • Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion Deputy Principal Solicitor Mary Burgess;
  • Brisbane barrister Matt Black;
  • Brisbane barrister Walter Sofronoff KC; and
  • Professor Tamara Walsh.

A presentation will also be given by the Specialist Mental Health and Intellectual Disability Service.

PLS Director/Principal Solicitor Helen Blaber said presenters would discuss a diverse range of human rights issues within the criminal justice system, including Supervision Orders, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the perspectives of someone with lived experience in prison. 

“The stigma of incarceration often obscures the reality that people in prison are amongst the most disadvantaged members of our society,” Helen said.

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“The disadvantage faced by our clients is often the reason they remain in prison.

“PLS representation shifts the balance in an unequal justice system.”

Helen said, however, PLS was forced to turn away more people than it helped, and last year it missed more than 20,000 calls on its advice line.

“By attending this event, you are supporting PLS as all funds raised go directly to our work for people incarcerated across the 14 prisons in Queensland,” she said.

The event, worth six CPD points, will run from 8.30am to 6pm on Friday, 14 June. Ticket sales close this Friday. Buy tickets here.

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