
Serving up pizza, career advice

Serving up a panel with the lot! Simon Playford, Erin Walford and Sarah Plasto at the BCS event. Photos: Geoff McLeod

Law students were given slices of career advice and pizza at the second Better Call Sarah event at Law Society House on Wednesday night.

The second BCS event featured panellists Erin Walford, Corporate Counsel for Domino’s Pizza Enterprises, and Simon Playford, Senior Legal Counsel at the Heart Foundation, along with regular host Future Leaders Committee Immediate Past President Sarah Plasto.

The Queensland Law Society event is aimed at future lawyers and law students to help shape their futures and make connections.

Erin, who not only served up some wisdom but organised the pizzas, said the event fostered “a greater sense of community in the profession”.

“The law students were engaged and asked great questions throughout – thankfully no one fell asleep,” she said.

“It was a really engaging, energetic group that were switched on, actively participating and joining in the discussion.


“Sarah is a phenomenal and astute host, sharing her own valuable insights and learnings with the students

“I think having pizza actually relaxed the crowd more. It’s a wonderful shared food and to continue the panel discussion fireside with students, and watch them building new relationships (thanks Domino’s Spring Hill).

“A number of students mentioned to me following that they are panicking/stressed/anxious about clerkships season and knowing the odds of getting a place – and thinking there is nothing else out there for them if they didn’t receive an offer.

“They indicated that coming along to the event and hearing that there are always other options and pathways in law, made them feel much calmer, and Better Call Sarah was ‘exactly what they needed’.”

Erin said many students continued to get to know each other after the event and built their professional community.

“It was so lovely to see,” she said. “I’ve never received so many LinkedIn and coffee requests in one day – thanks students!


“A large number of them asked when the next Better Call Sarah is scheduled for, and were making pacts to attend the next event together.”

Host Sarah said it was a fantastic turnout with “some very engaged law students and early career lawyers”. 

“No question was off limits and I think my fantastic panellists did a wonderful job giving frank and fearless responses,” she said.

“I would love to see the event continue to grow, as we continue to invite diverse panellists with unique insights into how to turn your degree into a thriving, dynamic career in law.”

Student membership is available to those studying a course for admission as a lawyer. It is also available to recent law graduates or graduates undertaking practical legal training. As a student member you have to access to a range of benefits. More information

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