
Option added to family law forms

The Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA) has amended many family law forms to introduce a “filed in” check box option for the FCFCOA Division 1 and the FCFCOA Division 2.

As this is not a substantive change to the form content, the version numbers have not changed.

The Application in an appeal has been updated to no longer include a “filed in” option. Part C has also been amended to include additional order types. The new version number is 0921V2.

The Application for exemption of fees – financial hardship has been updated at Part A with two appeal options. The new version number is 0423V2.

The Application for Review has been updated with the “filed in” change above. The instruction text has also been updated to clarify that the forms can be used to make an application for review of an exercise of power by a Registrar in proceedings other than appeal proceedings. The new version number is 0921V2.

While there is no requirement for a grace period for these changes, practitioners are reminded to always use the current versions of the court’s forms.

TR CoCounsel
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