Two of the three Selden Society lectures for the 2025 series have been announced by the Supreme Court Library Queensland.
The library on behalf of the Selden Society – Australian Chapter hosts an annual program of free lectures featuring prominent and renowned guest speakers covering a range of topics focused on legal heritage.
On 8 May, Dr Robyn Blewer from the Griffith Law School will speak on Recasting the law on a more merciful basis: Juvenile justice then and now.
The Honourable Justice John Logan RFD of the Federal Court of Australia will present The origins of contemporary judicial power in Papua New Guinea, on 16 October.
A third lecture is planned with details to be confirmed.
All lectures will be held in the Banco Court, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane, with a livestream option for remote viewing.
They are also recorded for the benefit of the Society’s wider membership. The videos can be accessed from this website or from the library’s YouTube channel. The lectures are also converted to podcasts which can be accessed via iTunes or Spotify.
Registrations open four weeks before each lecture.
Learn more at
Practitioners can support the free lecture series by joining the Selden Society.
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