A Senior Associate at Michael Lynch Family Lawyers, Kathleen was one of 22 lawyers recognised for 25 years of QLS membership at the Celebrate, Recognise, Socialise function in Brisbane late last week.
The Principal of Susan Moriarty & Associates was one of 22 QLS members to be acknowledged for her professionalism at the Celebrate, Recognise, Socialise event.
The Queen Street Legal Group Principal was one of six 50-year Queensland Law Society pin recipients last night at the Celebrate, Recognise, Socialise event in Brisbane.
The Ruddy, Tomlins & Baxter (RTB) Director was presented with a Queensland Law Society 50-year membership pin at the Celebrate, Recognise, Socialise event in Townsville.
Despite the QLS President's plane being turned around, Tuesday night's Celebrate, Recognise, Socialise event went ahead with Stuart Naylor receiving his 25-year pin.