
Tribute to ‘a diligent and determined judge’

Federal Circuit Court Chief Judge Will Alstergren has paid tribute to Judge Guy Andrew, whose body was found in Brisbane bushland yesterday.

“It is with deep sadness that I confirm the tragic death of Judge Guy Andrew,” Chief Judge Alstergren said. “His Honour is survived by his wife Nicole and daughters Bridget and Morgan.

“His Honour will be remembered as a fine, highly respected barrister and a diligent and determined judge who lived a life of service to others and to the law.

“He was loved and admired by many during his long career at the Bar and he made many good friendships in his short time on the Bench. The esteem in which he was held was evident by the large number of judges, barristers, solicitors, associates and other Court staff who took an active part in the search for him.

“His tragic passing is a timely reminder of the extraordinary pressure on all who practise in the often highly emotive family law jurisdiction. This pressure can be exacerbated by appointment.

“Whilst His Honour’s transition to the Bench presented saw some initial, unforeseen challenges, Guy, with the support and encouragement so freely offered by his colleagues was navigating his way through these challenges with all the determination that marked all that he did and especially marked what he did in the service of others.

“All our love and prayers go out to Nicole, Bridget and Morgan during this terrible time.

“Judge Guy Andrew will be dearly missed.”

Queensland Law Society extends its sympathy to Judge Andrew’s family and those close to him, and also thanks the many volunteers from the profession who assisted in the search for him.

If this incident has caused distress, the confidential QLS counselling service is available online or 24 hours a day on 1800 177 743.

Beyond Blue operates a 24-hour crisis line on 1300 22 4636 and Lifeline Australia is available on 13 11 14. A ‘postvention toolkit’ (workplace response to suicide) published by StandBy Australia may also be of assistance.

Responding to the Unthinkable, an article by suicide prevention and mental health advocate Donna Thistlethwaite – who delivered a MindsCount lecture last month – is publicly available on her website.

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