COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease but restrictions on travel continue to cause heartbreak and suffering for families across the globe.
In September this year, Partners of Kruger Law, John Kruger and Trent Wakerley were faced with a dilemma after a former client had passed away and the client’s children could not attend the funeral as they resided in the UK.
The pandemic’s effect has deeply impacted the legal profession but when faced with this particular case, John and Trent were moved to go the extra mile.
“As the Executor of the estate and knowing the deceased had a love of the water we wanted to do something special for the family who were obviously upset they could not be here in person to farewell their mother,” John said.
It was then, John and Trent approached the family with a special proposition.
“We reached out to the Volunteer Coast Guard who were able to help us arrange a beautiful service that could be recorded for the family. The service was conducted by the Padre and we were able to scatter the ashes at a location that has now been shared with the family.”
“While we were acting as the lawyers for the family to a certain point… we wanted to help and it was the right thing to do,” John said.
“It was important for us to be able to help a family at a difficult time when travel simply wasn’t possible.
“It was actually an honour and a privilege to have played a role in helping the family during this very personal time.”
One Response
Great work John Kruger and Trent Wakerley, you are a credit to the profession.