Selden Society 2021 lecture series—lecture one
The audacity of Griffith as a law reformer
Presented by Justice David Jackson
Thursday 25 March
5.15 for 5.30pm
Banco Court, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law
Level 3, 415 George Street, Brisbane
(or join the livestream via Zoom)
To coincide with Supreme Court Library Queensland’s latest exhibition, The many hats of Sir Samuel Griffith, and to commemorate 100 years since Griffith’s death, the 2021 Selden Society lecture series is devoted to the great lawmaker, constitutionalist and statesman.
Sir Samuel Griffith was undoubtedly the instigator of some of the greatest law reform in Queensland. In this first lecture of 2021, Justice David Jackson will attempt to capture the most significant pieces of law reform for which Griffith was singularly responsible for more than a quarter of a century.
The range of subjects includes both civil and criminal law, substantive law and procedural law with a view to identifying what was innovative and, at times, audacious.
Refreshments will be served in the Portrait Gallery after the lecture.
Registrations close 18 March – please bring your ticket for quick check-in. Register to attend this free lecture in person. (Note, in-person registrations are limited.) The lecture will also be livestreamed: register to join this lecture via Zoom.
CPD points: 1 point per hour, self-assessed (BAQ and QLS)
For more information:
phone 1300 SCLQLD (1300 725 753)
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