
‘Significant progress’ on new recording and transcription service

Court Services Queensland has reported significant progress in transitioning Queensland’s courts and tribunals to a new recording and transcription service.

The new service will return the recording and management of audio and transcriptions to the Department of Justice and Attorney-General, with transcription services continuing to be outsourced.

The ongoing impacts of COVID-19 have caused some delays to the project, including in the delivery of hardware and ongoing work with interstate vendors affected by lockdowns. There have also been delays with the configuration of the recording software.

Court Services Queensland says it is working closely with the transcription service providers to manage these delays, and a thorough testing of the platforms to ensure the rigour and reliability of the new system is under way.

It says it is important that the necessary time is invested to ensure the implementation of a secure and reliable system that will deliver value-for-money recording and transcription services for Queensland courts and tribunals, and for all users of recording and transcription products.

Court Services Queensland will be working with stakeholders and the legal fraternity to keep all informed and prepared for a smooth go-live and transition to business-as-usual.

TR CoCounsel

As such, at this stage it is anticipated that the go-live date will be towards the end of this year.

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