A new financial year looms, and with it Queensland Law Society must renew the Cyber Essentials group insurance policy which provides all QLS Member Firms $50,000 of free cyber-insurance cover.
Cyber attacks are on the rise and premiums with them, so this year the underwriters have requested baseline actuarial data. The survey we sent to all Managing Partners of QLS Member Firms contains five questions regarding your firm’s cybersecurity preparedness.
Information is collected anonymously, and will be aggregated before being passed to the insurers. No individual firm will lose cover if they fail to respond to the questionnaire, but a low response rate will negatively impact the benefits available under the scheme.
Your assistance with this process is therefore greatly appreciated, and will benefit both the profession and the clients who rely upon us to maintain the security of their life savings and confidential information.
The survey information is collected via the Survey Monkey survey platform.
For inquiries, please contact David Bowles at the QLS Ethics and Practice Centre on 07 3842 5843.
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