
Courts COVID update: Magistrates and Childrens Court

The Beaudesert, Beenleigh, Brisbane Magistrates Court, Brisbane Arrest Court, Caboolture, Caloundra, Cleveland, Coolangatta, Gatton, Holland Park, Ipswich, Maroochydore, Nambour, Noosa,  Pomona, Pine Rivers, QEII,  Richlands, Redcliffe, Sandgate, Southport, Townsville and Wynnum courthouses are affected by the lockdown.

A new protocol for matters before Magistrates and Childrens Court has been issued today (see below). Those wishing to appear should contact local courthouses. Prosecutors may appear with leave and aggrieved applicants in urgent domestic and family violence applications.  Subject to specific exemptions, registries will not be open to the public.  Signage will be displayed on courthouse doors with contact numbers for the registry to allow access where required.  Masks will be required in courthouses.

Notice to the profession from Acting Chief Magistrate Brassington

These arrangements apply to the following Local Government Areas:

  • City of Brisbane
  • City of Gold Coast
  • City of Ipswich
  • Lockyer Valley Regional Council
  • Logan City
  • Moreton Bay Region
  • Noosa Shire Council
  • Redland City
  • Scenic Rim Regional Council
  • Somerset Regional Council
  • Sunshine Coast Regional Council
  • Townsville City
  • Palm Island Aboriginal Shire
  1. All appearances will be by telephone or video.  The Acting Chief Magistrate will permit all parties leave to appear by telephone/video for the 30 June 2021 – 2 July 2021.
  2. Those wishing to appear should contact the local Courthouse for contact details.  Details of email addresses for all registries across Queensland can be found on the Queensland Courts Website – Magistrates Court
  3. There are no physical appearances in the Court except:
    – If a Prosecutor can appear, and wishes to appear in person, the local Magistrate can give leave.
    – For aggrieved applicants in urgent domestic violence applications.
    – With the leave of the Magistrate.
  4. Subject to specific exceptions notified in this arrangement and by the District and Supreme Court, registries and Courthouses will not be open to the public in affected areas.
  5. Messaging on the Courthouse doors and websites will provide contact information so that filing of urgent documents can be completed.
  6. For the lockdown media representatives are permitted to report on Court by telephone or video where the Court is open.
  7. Duty lawyer services will be available by telephone.
  8. All persons in Court will be masked unless the Court gives leave to remove the mask. 
  9. All hearings will be adjourned.
  10. Other matters will remain as listed and, if possible, proceed.
  11. Matters where a defendant may be sent to custody are not suitable to proceed.
  12. If parties do not appear the matters will be adjourned with notices sent.

Supreme and District Courts

The QEII courthouse will remain open but you are encouraged not to attend unless necessary.  A drop box has been established and the counter closed for the next three days.

A new protocol for applications to the Supreme Court has been issued today with the major variations being the requirement to wear masks and the allocation of individual start times for applications over the 3 days of the lock down

TR CoCounsel

No new trials will commence but those that are underway will continue to completion. 

Sentences will proceed as listed with those in custody produced personally to the court.

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