
Women who inspire – WLAQ’s Inspo List 2022

Women holding hands

A veritable who’s who of women in the Queensland legal profession were honoured last week in the fifth annual ‘Inspo List’ for their leadership and inspiration.

To celebrate International Women’s Day, the Women Lawyers Association of Queensland released a special edition of the WLAQ Inspo List for 2022.

The list features the names of women who hold a law degree, from Queensland or in Queensland, and who have given the gift of support and encouragement in the past 12 months to another member of the organisation.

WLAQ President Catherine Cheek, in her opening message, said: “In March 2021, we expected to return to something that resembled, if not replicated, our pre-COVID-19 life, but with inclusion of progressive changes in work and domestic flexibility.

“We spoke casually of a resumption of pre-COVID activities. We expected the worst to be over. In short, we were mentally prepared for an intense sprint to the end of the COVID-19 upheaval.

“Instead, we have found ourselves grinding through 2021 into 2022, having lived through a time where endurance and stamina were the essential skills in our skillset.

“At the beginning of 2021, we anticipated that we would go hard and fast to get to an early finish. We were not prepared for the extended effort of a marathon.

“This year, the WLAQ Committee would like to acknowledge the women who have made this effort possible, because without this sustenance, it is difficult to imagine continuing with depleted energy, patience and personal resources. Because we wish to acknowledge the value of those who have checked in on us, lifted our spirits and reminded us how competent we are, we have offered the
opportunity to thank our fellow women lawyers to our membership.

“The women mentioned in this year’s list have given the gifts of support and encouragement in the last 12 months to another member of our organisation.

“WLAQ also acknowledges all firms, businesses, chamber groups and organisations who have contributed to the profession’s ability to adapt to the 2021/2022 marathon.

See the WLAQ Inspo 2022 List.

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