
National Legal Aid survey closes soon

National Legal Aid has engaged researchers to conduct a survey of Legal Aid private practitioners, which closes this week on Friday, 23 August.

Survey results will inform the future work of Legal Aid Commissions with private practitioners.

National Legal Aid has commissioned it to better understand experiences and continue to improve supports for legal aid private practitioners.

The results will also form an important body of evidence for the advocacy of National Legal Aid nationwide.

The survey is designed to be completed by:

  • Private legal practitioners who have delivered legal aid services in the last two years;
  • Private legal practitioners who have been on a legal aid panel in the last two years; or
  • Private legal practitioners who work for an organisation on a list of preferred suppliers of legal aid services.

If practitioners meet this inclusion criteria and wish to take part, the survey will ask about your work, clients and how supports for legal aid private practitioners can be improved.

Participation is voluntary and all responses are anonymous. If practitioners would like to participate, the survey can be completed here.

The survey is being conducted by researchers from UNSW Sydney.

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