Queensland Courts are piloting a Sexual Offence Expert Evidence Panel to allow experts to give relevant evidence in sexual violence proceedings.
The panel will be introduced in a staged approach and, once fully established, will have two streams of experts to service referrals for matters in specified courts at pilot locations in Brisbane and Townsville:
- Stream one will allow an expert to give relevant evidence about the defendant in a proceeding for a relevant offence. Specifically, as to whether the defendant’s cognitive and/or mental health impairment at the time of the alleged offence was a substantial cause of the person not saying or doing anything to ascertain whether the other person consented to the sexual act.
- Stream two will allow experts to give counterintuitive evidence about the nature of sexual offences and the social, psychological and cultural factors that may affect the behaviour of a person who has been, or alleges to be, a victim of a relevant sexual offence as requested by the prosecution, defence, or court.
The panel will implement Recommendation 80 and 43 of the Women’s Safety and Justice Taskforce report Hear her voice: Report Two.
The Criminal Law (Coercive Control and Affirmative Consent) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2024 was passed by Queensland Parliament on 6 March 2024 and contains changes to the Criminal Code and Evidence Act 1977. These changes provide the legislative basis for an expert from the panel to give evidence as to the affirmative consent safeguard provision.
Stream one will address incoming referrals made regarding this legislative change from 3 February 2025.
People interested in lodging an application to be appointed to the panel as a stream one expert can refer to the Queensland Government QTenders website. Applications close on 4 November 2024. To register with QTender, follow the instructions at QTenders Register: Suppliers.
Refer to Queensland Courts website for regular updates on the Sexual Offence Expert Evidence Panel.
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