
Success beyond the concrete jungle

Often, when people consider the career of a lawyer, images of the concrete jungle with men and women in suits, rushing through the streets of the ‘big smoke’ aren’t far from the imagination.

But success doesn’t always shine through just the city lights. Many legal practitioners are choosing to make their move to the regions to gain extensive experience, a work-life balance and collegiality.

Edwina Rowan, Partner at Charltons Lawyers in Bundaberg says the opportunities associated with regional legal practice are significantly underestimated; particularly for emerging lawyers.

“One of the many career benefits is the extensive hands-on experience gained, that isn’t necessarily available in metropolitan areas,” she says.

“Regional law firms tend to allocate more responsibility to early-career lawyers, creating opportunities to deal directly with cases and clients.

Typically, there is also a greater opportunity for networking and creating strong partnerships with clients.”

The legal demographic is changing rapidly, we know that nearly 40% of Practising Certificate holders in Queensland are either 35-years-old or under, or have less than 5 years post-admission experience.

This shines a light on a complex demographic facing unique challenges – particularly in 2020. The Future Leaders Committee (FLC) will provide this demographic with a platform and a voice to address relevant issues.

Edwina says it’s vital the next generation of lawyers in regional areas consider nominating for this inaugural committee.

“Some of the challenges facing our future leaders will be unique to regional areas compared with capital cities,” she says.

“It’s vitally important that regional practitioners have a forum to be heard concerning those issues.

She says regional practitioners will bring a sense of collegiality to the committee that only exists in the regions.

“Regional practitioners have so much to bring to the table, including valuable insight into the work opportunities in regional areas, while advocating for local issues, including access to justice.

“I encourage any eligible regional practitioners to stand up and give it a go – your voice is very much needed.”

If you’re an eligible regional practitioner and you’re interested in shaping the future of the legal profession, head to our website to find out more:

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