
New enduring document forms made available in Word format for QLS members

On behalf of members, QLS has advocated for access to Microsoft Word versions of the new enduring power of attorney and advance health directive forms, which are to be used from 30 November 2020.

QLS is pleased to advise that the Department of Justice and Attorney-General has agreed to provide Word versions of the forms so that QLS members can integrate the documents into their systems.

The new advance health directive form to be used after 30 November has now been converted and is available on the QLS website for members.

The new enduring power of attorney (short and long) form, additional page form and interpreter’s statement form is also available to members on the QLS website. Word versions of current forms that will continue to be used after 30 November are also available on that page (general power of attorney, revocation of general power of attorney and revocation of enduring power of attorney).

The Word versions will not be available to the general public. QLS reminds members that:

  • when integrating the documents, practitioners will need to ensure that the forms are not altered in any way that risks their substantial compliance with the approved versions; and
  • the new approved forms must only be used from 30 November 2020.

Further information about the new approved forms and changes to guardianship laws is available here.

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