
Valedictory ceremony to farewell Justice Daubney AM

A valedictory ceremony to honour Queensland Supreme Court Justice and Queensland Civil Administrative Tribunal President Martin Daubney AM has been scheduled for Friday 10 December.

The ceremony will recognise the almost 15 years of judicial leadership that Justice Daubney has given to Queensland and almost 3½ decades of dedicated service to the legal profession.

Legal practitioners and members of the public are invited to attend the ceremony to celebrate Justice Daubney’s retirement. It will be held in the QEII Courts of Law’s ceremonial Banco Court, in George St, at 9.15am.

Attendees will be required to check in using QR codes in the foyer of the QEII Courts of Law Building upon entry, or by physically recording their details on forms provided.

If the Banco Court reaches capacity, Court 5 on level 3 will be available as an overflow courtroom from which the ceremony can be viewed.

On July 19, Justice Daubney announced he was stepping down from the Bench to become the fifth Chancellor of the Australian Catholic University from 1 January 2022.

TR CoCounsel

Justice Daubney, 60, was admitted as a solicitor in April 1987, admitted to the Bar in 1998 and took silk in 2000. He was appointed a judge of the Queensland Supreme Court in July 2007 and QCAT President in 2017.

Justice Daubney became a Member of the Order of Australia for significant service to the law, and to the judiciary, education and the community. His Honour was also Chair of a 2005 Royal Commission into Queensland thoroughbred racing which was charged with investigating allegations that bookmakers offered artificially inflated betting odds on races held in Queensland.

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