Legal Profession Act 2007
(Pursuant to Rule 44 of the Legal Profession (Society) Rules 2007)
Notice is hereby given that a vacancy arose on 9 January 2023 for the position of one (1) ordinary member of the Council of the Queensland Law Society Incorporated (the Society).
Pursuant to rule 44 of the Legal Profession (Society) Rules 2007 (the Rules), Council has appointed 13 January 2023 as the date for the Notice of the Vacancy to be given to all full members of the Society.
Full members have until 4pm AEST Friday 10 February 2023 (the due date) to submit an application in writing to the secretary for the requisitioning of holding of an election to fill the vacancy. Written applications are to be lodged by completing the Application Form available:
Rule 45 prescribes that an election to fill the vacancy must be held if written applications aggregating not fewer than ten percent in number of the members on the roll of full members immediately before the due date are received by the secretary by the due date. In the event that fewer than ten percent in number of the members on the roll of full members immediately before the due date submit a written application for the requisitioning of an election, Rule 47 prescribes that Council must appoint a full member to fill the vacancy.
Rules 45 and 47 set out that the person so elected or appointed fills the vacancy for the residue of the term of office of members of the council current at the time of his or her appointment. That is until 31 December 2023. The position of ordinary member of Council is a non-remunerated position.
Full Members are reminded that the Application Form duly completed must be submitted to the Secretary via, no later than 4pm AEST Friday 10 February 2023. To request a hard copy application form, please contact the secretary as follows:
- Email:
- Phone: 1300 367 757; or
- In person: Level 2, 179 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD 4001
Dated this thirteenth day of January 2023.
Louise Pennisi
Queensland Law Society
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