
QLS Member Survey deadline extended

Practitioners have some extra time to complete the Queensland Law Society Member Survey and have their say on issues affecting them.

The deadline for responses has been extended to 27 September and will inform how QLS can best support and represent members as the peak membership organisation for Queensland solicitors.

QLS wants to know more about:

  • What role do you see QLS taking within the profession?
  • What it is doing well and what it could do better?
  • What new things, if any, should it start doing?
  • How do you perceive the value of your QLS membership?
  • What membership products, services and benefits do you value most?

QLS CEO Matt Dunn has urged members to complete the survey to ensure the Society’s strategic direction reflects the needs and wants of the membership.

The Society has received more than 600 responses so far and the survey is anonymous.

QLS will not collect individual names or names of firms/organisations.

TR CoCounsel

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