
The shorthand of the law

The Supreme Court Library Queensland (SCLQ) has recently installed a new legal heritage display which illustrates the evolution of the practice of shorthand and highlights the progression of its use in the courtroom.

The display showcases an intriguing array of historical stenograph machines and a selection of classic literary works transcribed into shorthand. 

These devices enabled swift and quiet recording of spoken words using specialised key systems.

By employing symbols, strokes, and abbreviations, shorthand machines facilitated transcription at speeds far surpassing traditional notetaking methods.

A selection of classic literary works transcribed into shorthand is also featured in the display, including Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and Washington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

The display can be seen weekdays, 8.30am to 4.30pm, at the SCLQ, Level 12, QEII Courts of Law, Brisbane. 

TR CoCounsel

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