
GFCQ community sessions next week – Western Downs

GasFields Commission Queensland (GFCQ) is offering free community sessions next week on a wide range of topics, including land access requirements, dispute resolution, environmental management, mining and gas activities and the ‘Queensland Exploration Program’.

The ‘pop-up office’ information sessions will give local community members and landholders the opportunity to speak directly with subject matter experts on these topics, and learn about the resource activities taking place on the Western Downs.

All rural landholders, regional community members, resource companies and related professionals are welcome to attend the two sessions, to be held in Taroom on Wednesday 4 May and Dalby on Thursday 5 May.

GFCQ will facilitate the sessions, along with (for the Taroom session) the Department of Resources, the Department of Environment and Science and the Land Access Ombudsman (LAO). The Dalby sessions will be facilitated by the LAO and GFCQ only.

Appointments are also available with the LAO’s dispute resolution team for both sessions, providing landholders the opportunity to refer a dispute for investigation, discover options and support available and ask the Ombudsman and the LAO team questions.

See more information on the Taroom session or the Dalby session.

TR CoCounsel
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