
On trial: Stories from our rare books collection

Main image: Select trials at the Session-House in the Old Bailey, 1743, Inset: The case of impotency, 1719. Images #sclqld legal heritage collection.

Since 1862, Supreme Court Library Queensland has collected ‘rare’ books, with each title having its own significant story.

Part of this collection includes first-hand accounts of some of the most ‘remarkable’ trials that occurred in 17th and 18th Century England.

View these texts (which are rarely displayed publicly) only by visiting the free legal heritage display ‘On trial: stories for our rare books collection, now open in the Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law.

The first rare books on display reflect the theme of ‘Scandalous stories. Texts on display include:

  • Select trials at the Session-House in the Old Bailey, for murder, robberies, rapes, sodomy, coining, frauds, bigamy and other offences, 1743 (ground floor)
  • The Bloody Register, 1764 (Level 6)
  • The Annals of Newgate, 1766 (Level 7)
  • The remarkable case of impotency between the Earl of Essex and Lady Frances Howard, 1719 and Report of the proceedings before the House of Lords on a bill of pains and penalties against Her Majesty Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, Queen of Great Britain and Consort of King George IV, 1820-21 (Level 12).

Open now until Friday 23 December 2022, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law. Free – all visitors welcome.

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