
Error! Career not found. Lawyer’s life is over due to broken clause reference.

Imogen, a three-year PAE lawyer, was spotted lying in a Brisbane gutter today.

It is reported that she had emailed a document externally labelled FINAL – FOR EXECUTION with a broken clause reference.

Imogen explained (while face down in the street) that she had triple checked the document before sending it to an external firm, “I scrolled through it slowly for 30 minutes, making little edits. It was perfect until I decided to refresh the table of contents using the F9 key. Next thing I know, the other side is asking about the Error! Reference not found on page 3.”

“My life as a lawyer is over!” she whimpered, “I should have stuck with my COVID side hustle of making jarred jam in upcycled beer bottles!”

Before this reporter had the chance to ask about the practical use of such a vessel, Imogen’s phone rang with the word BOSS flashing on the screen.

“I’ll get right on it,” she said professionally after answering, still face down, “what’s the urgency on this?”

TR CoCounsel

Imogen was last seen slumping dramatically through the foyer of her work building, shaping eyeliner back into place and removing the various remnants of gutter litter from her jacket.

Time will tell whether she was just asked to clean out her desk. However, this reporter proposes that Imogen’s Type-A response to this small infraction means she should learn to simmer down… by a lot… and probably reduce her caffeine intake.

More to come.

Thank you to The Legal Forecast for sharing its Denuto’s Vibe column with QLS Proctor readers. Enjoy! Author: Annabelle Lee (pseudonym) Editor: Dana Heriot

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